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Recommended crates

There are a lot of testing crates in Rust that provide functionality that test ur code XD does not. Here are some recommendations:


Crate Description
Nextest A new, faster test runner for Rust
Static assertions Compile-time assertions for Rust
Fail Fail point implementation for Rust
partial-io Helpers for testing I/O behavior with partial, interrupted and blocking reads and writes
assert_cmd Easy command initialization and assertions

Test cases

Crate Description
serial_test Allows for the creation of serialised Rust tests
rstest Fixture-based test framework for Rust
Datatest Crate for supporting data-driven tests

Fuzzing and property testing

Crate Description
Arbitrary Trait for generating structured data from arbitrary, unstructured input
Proptest Property testing framework inspired by the Hypothesis framework for Python
Kani Bit-precise model checker for Rust
Bolero Fuzz and property testing front-end for Rust


Crate Description
Mockall Powerful mock object library for Rust