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String assertions

String assertions operate on string types:

// Compare two strings and diff the results
assert_str_eq!("hello, world", "hello");

// Ensure that the second string is contained within the first
assert_str_contains!("hello, world", "hello");

// Ensure that the first string starts with the second 
assert_str_starts_with!("hello, world", "hello");

// Ensure that the first string ends with the second
assert_str_ends_with!("hello, world", "world");

// Ensure that the first string matches the second regex
assert_str_matches!("hello, world", "[a-z, ]+");

Regular expressions for assert_str_matches follow the rules for the regex crate.

Details (advanced)

Both arguments for all these asserts do not have to be a particular string type, but must implement the AsRef<str> trait.

Assertion Panic condition
assert_str_contains !x.as_ref().contains(y.as_ref())
assert_str_starts_with !x.as_ref().starts_with(y.as_ref())
assert_str_ends_with !x.as_ref().ends_with(y.as_ref())
assert_str_matches Regex::new(y.as_ref())?.is_match(x.as_ref())