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Panic assertion

The panic assertion checks if a specific piece of code panics:

// Ensure that the code panics
    || {

// Ensure that the code panics with a specific message
    || {
        panic!("hello, world");
    on_message = |message| {
        assert_eq!(message, "hello, world");

The second call to assert_panics! takes an on_message argument. This argument is a closure that takes a single argument of type String representing the panic message.

Why not #[should_panic]?

Rust has a built-in attribute called #[should_panic] that can be used to check if a unit test will panic:

fn unit_test() {

    // Code here will not run

There's no reason not to use this, but assert_panics!(...) provides a bit more granularity and can allow code to continue after the panic:

fn unit_test() {
        || {

    // This code will still run